[blossom] :)
Brush rotate
This feature will allow you to rotate a brush in the viewport on all three axis. While it is possible to rotate any brush normally by holding CTRL and the Right mouse button (then dragging), that method only allows the brush to be rotated on a single axis in the viewport. With this feature selected, the brush can be rotated on each of the three axis in the same viewport.
This is done by selecting the Rotate Brush button, holding down CTRL and the left mouse button (and dragging), the right mouse button (and dragging) or both mouse buttons (and dragging). Each of the combinations will rotate the brush around a different axis. Note that the brush is always rotated around the pivot point (which is either in the middle for most primitives which have not been vertex edited, the pivot point generated by intersection with other brushes, or the last vertex point that was moved or selected).
height 256 width 256 breadth 1024 unreal editor
Grasshopper - in cree is Kwaskuochises.
Grasshoppers - are numerous, kwaskoocbisesiskow
Shine, v. «. "Wasi-soo, -tao, wa-soo, -stao
(as the sun) chakasikao.
It shines brightly
kekayasikao, keyayastao
Sunshine, n. A chakasikat.
In the sunshine, astumastao or a astumastak